Legal Notice

The Carburant website (hereinafter "the Site") is edited by Carburant (hereinafter "Carburant")

6 rue de Braque
75003 Paris
+33(1) 42 74 70 62
Siret : 45028813900048
Publishing director: Camille Ollier

Development, Integration
6 rue de Braque
75003 Paris

Datacampus Hébergement Durable
Technopole du Futuroscope
86360 Chasseneuil

Site content

The information communicated on the Site is presented for information and general purposes and does not claim to be exhaustive.

Despite all the care and rigor brought to the realization of the Site and its regular updating, errors may have crept into the information presented. Site users will therefore carry out all necessary verifications and are solely responsible for the use they make of accessible information.

Personal data protection

The personal data collected within the framework of this Site are intended for Carburant which, in the absence of opposition from the user, is authorized to:

  • keep them in computer memory,
  • use them for statistical purposes, information, and commercial solicitation.

In accordance with article 34 of the law known as "Data processing and Freedoms" of January 6, 1978, modified under the terms of the Law of August 6, 2004, the user has a right of access, modification, rectification and deletion of any personal data concerning him.

The exercise of these rights can be done at any time, electronically or by post, with the Company at the following address:

Carburant, 6 rue de Braque, 75003 Paris or

Intellectual property

With the exception of that which is in the public domain, all the elements (information, data, brands, logos, ...) present on the Site are the exclusive or conceded property of Carburant and are protected by copyright, trademark law and more generally by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code or by any right recognized by the legislation in force.

Unless otherwise stated and except for reproductions authorized under article L. 122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, copying, presentation, downloading, distribution, modification or total or partial reproduction of the components the Site for publication or dissemination by any means or in any form whatsoever is strictly prohibited without the prior written authorization of Carburant.

If applicable, any authorized reproduction must include the mention: "This document comes from the official Carburant website Reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited."

The section consulted as well as the date of consultation must also imperatively appear in the reference. The user also refrains from entering data on the Site that would modify or that could modify the content or appearance of the data, the presentation or organization of the Site or even works appearing on the Site and by any process.

The violation of these provisions constituting an infringement within the meaning of the Code of Intellectual Property, it subjects any offender to the criminal and civil penalties provided for by French law.

Creation of hypertext links

Any link with the Site must be subject to prior written authorization from Carburant.

In any event, Carburant reserves the right to terminate this authorization at any time if it considers that the link established with the Site is likely to harm the latter's interests.

It is also specified that the sites presenting a hypertext link with the present Site (hypertext links targeting the Site or established from it), are not under the control of Carburant which declines any responsibility as for their content.

Access requirements

Except in cases of force majeure, events beyond its control (disruptions or interruptions in access networks, failure of the user's computer or telephone equipment and more generally, any event related to Internet access conditions) and under reserve for any breakdowns and maintenance interventions necessary for the proper functioning of the Site, Carburant undertakes to make its best efforts to make the Site continuously accessible.


For more information, see our Cookie Policy.


Carburant cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from an interruption, any malfunction, suspension or termination of the Site, for any reason whatsoever or any material damage or immaterial that would result in any way from connection to the Site. The user's connection to the Site is under his sole responsibility.

Rules of use on the internet

The user is fully informed of the existence of rules and practices in force on the Internet, known as "Netiquette", and of the various codes of ethics accessible on the Internet and undertakes to comply with them.

In this regard, he undertakes in particular to respect the integrity of the Site and refrains from hampering or forcing the functioning of the Site, fraudulently modifying, altering or deleting the content accessible via the Site and introducing fraudulently data on the Site.

The user also declares to accept the characteristics and limits of the Internet and in particular to know:

  • that data circulating on the Internet is not protected in particular against possible misappropriation,
  • that it is up to him to take all appropriate measures to protect his own data and / or software against any contamination by possible viruses and against any attempt to intrude into his system by third parties,
  • that it is up to him to take all measures so that his computer configuration allows him to consult and receive the services of the Site.

Modification of the general conditions of use

Carburant can modify and update these General Conditions of Use at any time and without notice in order to adapt them to changes to the Site.

Any aspect of the Site may also be modified, supplemented, deleted or updated without notice, at the sole discretion of Carburant.

Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction

These General Terms of Use are governed by French law and the user, by accepting these terms, irrevocably gives exclusive jurisdiction to French courts. The Courts of the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Nanterre will be only competent to know of any litigation relating to the validity, the interpretation or the execution of these General Conditions of Use, even in the event of plurality of defendants or warranty calls.