The Royale Crowndown


The Royale Crowndown

Clash Royale's biggest community event

Creation and development of The Royale Crowndown website for the sixth anniversary of the famous Clash Royale, based on the global operation of the same name, conceptualized and created by Webedia.

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Influencers battle

Influencers battle

All Clash Royale players were invited to join one of the 12 celebrities participating in the operation (Yosoyrick, Artube Clash, SirTag, etc.). The teams thus formed would then compete on a daily basis, in search of the best win ratio.

Conquering territory

Conquering territory

To support the leaderboard of the twelve teams, a map composed of hexagons allowed to visually represent the players' performances. The twelve territories evolved in real time on the map and differently according to the positions in the ranking.

Seamless collaboration

Seamless collaboration

Behind the scene, a seamless communication between Carburant, Oxeva (host), Webedia and Supercell resulted in a website that could handle the game's API data and accommodate the many, many visitors effortlessly.

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