
Fri, May 3, 2024
How the preferred messaging service of Gen Z increased its active users by 2% in 4 months
Communities, Creative Production, Advertising

How the preferred messaging service of Gen Z increased its active users by 2% in 4 months

A Strategy Based on Understanding Gen Z

To reach Discor's target audience, Carburant Agency developed a 5-axis strategy based on a solid understanding of Gen Z's preferences and habits. Sports, anime, video games, and music were highlighted, four themes that strongly resonate with this generation.

A TV Spot in Motion Design that Speaks to Gen Z

A TV spot in motion design was created for the brand awareness campaign launch. Under the claim "Go Discord", we opted for a fluid and dynamic animation to match the codes of Anime (Japanese animation). Our message is a call to inclusion and sharing, as on Discord, people come together around common passions - a mission accomplished.

A 360° Media Plan for Maximum Visibility

A 360° media plan was implemented, with a 70% digital and 30% print activation. We know that Gen Z is ultra-connected, from social media to YouTube and Twitch, as well as streaming and replay platforms. Our strategy therefore focused on online, without forgetting offline, with high-impact activations in the Paris metro at Gare Saint-Lazare and in four major French cities, targeting Gen Z in their daily routine.

A Winning Community Strategy on Instagram, TikTok, and X

A powerful community strategy was implemented through the Thumb Stop Creative Lab on Instagram, TikTok, and X, Gen Z's preferred social networks. And it's safe to say that Gen Z responded, with over 150,000 subscribers recruited in just 4 months.

IRL Activations for Maximum Reach

IRL activations were organized to connect Gen Z with the brand. Discord thus became a partner of the first Pop Corn Festival, LFL Days (League of Legends/Riot Games competition), and Paris Games Week, with a dedicated stand. In parallel, a student program around the Student Hub (a service dedicated to students on Discord) was also launched, both online and on-site, with 20 campuses activated, including 4 business school campuses.

A Mobile Acquisition Campaign to Transform Branding Efforts

All these activations were supported by a mobile acquisition campaign, including App Store Optimization and the creation of specific assets. This allowed us to transform the branding efforts made during this period.

Result: A 2% Lift in Active Users

Thanks to this 360° strategy, Discord achieved a spectacular result: a 2% lift in active users, according to This result proves the effectiveness of our accompaniment and our mastery of Gen Z's usage habits.

This accompaniment enabled the agency to develop its skills and knowledge of Discord and Gen Z's usage habits. Today, ultra-communities are becoming strategic targets for brands, and we're talking about it right here.


Buzz Kits: The Essential Tool for Brands Seeking Significant Impact with Gen Z

Communities, Creative Production

Buzz Kits: The Essential Tool for Brands Seeking Significant Impact with Gen Z

Buzz kits, key tools in influencer marketing, offer an immersive experience to content creators. Generating higher engagement than traditional ads, they transform influencers into brand ambassadors. The agency has proven their effectiveness with kits for popular video games, demonstrating their power to create viral buzz and reach Gen Z and gamers.

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Why has Final Fantasy XIV remained on the podium of most-played video games for over 10 years?

Creative Production, Advertising

Why has Final Fantasy XIV remained on the podium of most-played video games for over 10 years?

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