Video games: Carburant's DNA

Video games have always been part of our lives, and they've been part of Carburant's DNA ever since it was founded. Ultra-connected, Gen Z has grown up with it and made video games what they are today: a fantastic place to come together and have adventures. In fact, just like our projects !

Our approach

Whatever form it takes, gaming has always been a social activity capable of transporting us into other worlds and other temporalities. We're here to continue playing, in the broadest sense: with the public, with codes, with technology.


What We Do

  • Concept Let's write the right concepts for your game to dominate the leaderboards.
  • Visual creation Let us apply the excellence of our creative experts to each and every one of your campaigns.
  • Special operations Let's find the right ideas to make your storytelling resonate outside traditional channels.
  • Advertising & media Amplify the visibility of your campaigns among the younger generation.

Our work


Creative campaign, 360

As the second favorite brand of Gen Z (Morning Consult, 2023), Discord placed its trust in Carburant for its first communications on the French market: launch and growth of social network accounts, event partnerships, acquisition campaigns, TV commercials... Carburant's 360° expertise to the benefit of a tool already revered by our teams.
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Final Fantasy XIV : The Campfire

ads, TV

The Carburant agency is proud to bring to the world the international campaign Final Fantasy XIV: The Campfire, which aims to blend dream and reality with CGI production around real actors. The result is a project as ambitious as the MMORPG it promotes, from the original idea to the IAB assets and the production of all the videos.
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Final Fantasy XIV : The Campfire

The serenity of controlled project management

Creativity expresses itself best when it is well managed, and Carburant makes a point of managing its projects with rigor and transparency.

We take care to anticipate everyone's needs, from the customer to the creative teams, to facilitate the work of all parties involved in a project. All this is done in a spirit of sincere dialogue, so that creativity can fully express itself.

Need an expert? Contact us

Mathieu Brossette

Account Director

07 70 86 91 55